ARRIVE Booking - Sarah Smith Violinist ARRIVE Booking - Sarah Smith Violinist

No Risk, All Reward: How Gabby Found Success With ARRIVE Booking Agency’s Unique Performer-Centric Model

Name: Gabby T.


  • Age: 32
  • Gender: Female
  • Location: Los Angeles, CA
  • Education: Bachelor’s Degree in Music Performance
  • Occupation: Professional Violinist


  • Gabby has dedicated over 15 years to perfecting her violin skills.
  • She has invested in music education, attended workshops, and purchased high-quality equipment.
  • Despite her talent and dedication, Gabby struggles to secure consistent gigs to make a living.


  • Find regular performance opportunities to showcase her talent.
  • Generate a stable income through her passion for music without financial risk.
  • Trust a platform that prioritizes her success and well-being.


  • Limited access to platforms that offer gigs without hefty fees.
  • Frustration with the unpredictability of the gig market.
  • Concerns about the financial sustainability of her performing career.


  • Actively searches for gig opportunities online and through networking.
  • Prefers platforms that prioritize affordable and risk-free opportunities for performers.
  • Values transparency in pricing and the assurance of earning potential.

I’ve dedicated my life to music, but finding gigs has been a constant struggle. I need a platform that truly supports artists like me without adding financial risk to the equation.

Pain Points:

  • High subscription fees on existing gig platforms.
  • Uncertainty about earning potential and job security.
  • Lack of trust in platforms that prioritize profit over the well-being of performers.

How ARRIVE Can Help:

  • No Subscription Fees: Enjoy a completely free platform with no upfront costs.
  • Fully Integrated Scheduling and Booking Calendar: Manage your gigs effortlessly with our intuitive calendar system.
  • Secure Online Payment: Get paid safely and securely for your performances.
  • Find Live or Virtual Gig Opportunities Easily: Access a wide range of gig options, both live and virtual.
  • Instant Notifications for Gig Requests: Stay updated with real-time notifications for new gig opportunities.
  • Access to Client Contact List: Easily reach out to potential clients and build your network.
  • Dedicated Support Team: Our team is committed to finding paying gigs for you.
  • Network of Industry Professionals: Connect with other professionals and potential collaborators in the industry.
  • Educational Resources and Marketing Tools: Improve your skills and market yourself effectively with our resources and tools.